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Don't fall in "Love", the fraud has caused the Americans to lose more than 1 billion in one year

Love is beautiful and sweet, but don't let it affect your minimum judgment, otherwise you may pay a painful price, and the hard-earned money will fly into the pockets of others.

We often hear people say that people who are in love sometimes lose IQ to zero. This sentence is enough to show that both women and men are irrational when they fall in love, so that they will lose their judgment when doing a lot of things. It is precisely because of this irrationality that the love scammers who are trying to misbehave can be taken advantage of.

Recently, the US Federal Trade Commission released a statistical report showing that the number of love fraud cases is rising from a national perspective. In 2018 alone, there were 21,368,000 Americans who claimed to have encountered love scammers and lost 143 million due to love fraud. 

In the report, the US Federal Trade Commission wrote that "reports related to love fraud are steadily increasing. By contrast, in 2015, about 8,500 Americans reported to the relevant authorities that they had suffered a love fraud and lost $33 million."

The 70-year-old man lost the most

For criminals who commit love fraud, the profits from such fraudulent activities are extremely rich. According to data released by the US Federal Trade Commission, in 2018, the median loss of victims of love fraud was as high as $2,600, about seven times the median loss of all other consumer scam victims.

Interestingly, the majority of those who have taken "love" are middle-aged and elderly. The data shows that among the victims of love fraud, the proportion of people between the ages of 40 and 69 is the highest, but those aged 70 and over lose the most, with an average loss of up to $10,000. In contrast, victims between the ages of 20 and 29 lost an average of about $1,000.

Often, love scammers use fake identities to attract unsuspecting victims through the Internet, a process known as "fishing." In order to increase the odds, the liar will take pictures of other handsome guys or beautiful women, first of all to win the goal, and then have a hot chat with the target. In order to convince the goal, the scammer usually launches a sweet-spoken offensive for a long time, and will never talk about money during this time.

However, the goal of falling into the trap is not realized at all, all the soft words, all the care, are just to make yourself willing to take out a piece of money.

No direct communication

Once the scammer is convinced that he has won the trust of the target, he will say that he is in urgent need of money for emergency situations, such as sudden admission or other reasons that can make the target feel pity. Many victims claim that they have remitted money for the crisis situation claimed by the swindler.

When the target proposes to meet, the liar often lied that he is a soldier and was sent to a foreign garrison. Sometimes, the liar will come forward to meet, but will persuade the target to pay for the travel expenses for various reasons. However, when the target hits the money to the liar and meets with joy and joy, the liar will say that he has received an urgent task and cannot go to the appointment.

A 27-year-old American victim said that she had met a love swindler on a dating site.

The person said, "She (a liar) is a young Hispanic girl who claims to be a soldier and is serving in Iraq. After seeing her photo, I fell in love at first sight. After reading her personal information, I prefer it. She gave her a private message. After receiving the reply, I was very excited. However, after a while, I felt a bit wrong. Her English was very poor. At first I thought it might be because she was not growing up in the US. Or, the education level is low, but then there are more and more doubts. For example, she is not willing to video call with me, or voice calls, in fact, any way to communicate with me directly, she is not willing."

Later, the victim and friend said this, and the two tried to verify the girl's information through various channels, but they found nothing. At this point, the victim knew that he had been cheated.

Liars are universally far from outstanding

Not only in the United States, but also in China, love fraud is nothing new. There have been surveys showing that love scammers generally have low academic qualifications, general appearance conditions, and no formal work. The survey also shows that, unlike most people's imaginations, many scammers do not pretend to be considerate when they lie, but choose "mystery", "high cold" and "hegemony".

In addition, the scammers widely use the "agent", "military" or "official second generation" identity, on the one hand, the use of information asymmetry makes the virtual identity impossible to check, on the other hand, it also uses the victim's hero complex psychology.

Experts warn that people who are looking for true love on the Internet should never send money or give gifts to "lovers" who have not yet met in real life, no matter how good they are.


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