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Showing posts with the label 快手


电脑需要安装adb.exe。原理:使用uiautomator模拟手动操作手机。 import uiautomator2 as d import time import threading import os import random # 支持多个手机同时执行上滑操作刷视频 class myThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, did): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.did = did def run(self): kuaishou(self.did) def kuaishou(did): #通过usb连接 a=d.connect_usb(did) # 打开快手 a.app_start('com.kuaishou.nebula') a.implicitly_wait(10) while i<50: 164="" a.app_stop="" a.swipe="" a="os.popen(" adb="" b="" click="" com.example.hello_world="" devices="" didlist="[]" for="" i="" if="" in="" input="" keyevent="" len="" list="" n="" os.popen="" random.random="" range="" shell="" text="开宝箱" tim