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Showing posts from 2020

Could be a bug? Alipay coronavirus tracking periodly shows suspected Cases to be 20200340

On Feb 25, 2020, Alibaba's Alipay epidemic real-time tracking page suspected to show a bug. Once opened Alipay on the phone, the page shows the infected data was 77,785 and the number of suspected cases was 20,200,340. If so many suspected cases did occur, it could on be that there are other big cities have an outbreak, but till now there is no such news.  The bug seems to it wrongly take the date to be the suspected number. 2020 stand for the year, 03 means March. Only 40 could be not explained, could be inverse of 04.

Why the Coronavirus is far more infectious than SARS?

To say that this new virus is far more infectious than SARS is based on the following three facts: First, the infected person does not have any symptoms during the incubation period of 10-14 days. Currently, airports, stations, and terminals are all measured with fever, but most of them are ineffective. This is why a city such as Shanghai, which is extremely well guarded against high fever persons, but there still emerge a large number of confirmed and suspected patients. Second, and equally frightening is that this latent virus carrier does not have any symptoms himself and don't develop, but it is highly contagious.  Third, the virus is not only transmitted through breathing, but may also be transmitted from the eyes by close contact with people who carry the virus. Therefore, strictly speaking, the tightest protection is not only wearing a mask, but also goggles . However, in fact, very few people in the hospital waiting for a crowded consultation are wearing goggles .

An Australian Pelican feast that lasted more than two decades

Why are you so focused? It turned out that the pelicans were all waiting to eat fish with their heads up, hahahaha! In the Central Coast area north of Sydney, there is a beautiful and famous town called The Entrance, which has the title of "Australian Pelican Capital". What makes a town so honored? The reason is these cute toucans. Every afternoon, the pelicans fly here from near and far, and there are no obstacles 365 days a year. As soon as 3:30, a staff member will push a large box full of fish to the small square where the pelicans gather, and the pelicans have long been eager to wait. This white-haired grandpa came to feed today. I saw the grandfather skillfully put on rubber gloves, while taking a fish out of the box and throwing it at the pelican, he interacted with the onlookers and introduced the knowledge of the pelican. The noise of the pelicans competing for the fish and the exclamation of the onlookers crowded into one, the atmosphere was warm. A clever pelican s...

教程:如何使用Python Scrapy爬取Amazon数据

Scrapy是一个用于爬网网站并提取结构化/非结构化数据的应用程序框架,可用于各种应用程序,例如数据挖掘,信息处理或 信息归档 。 众所周知,这是 "数据"时代。 数据无处不在,每个组织都希望与数据合作并将其业务推向更高的水平。 在这种情况下,Scrapy扮演着至关重要的角色,向这些组织提供数据,以便他们可以在各种应用程序中使用它。 Scrapy不仅能够从网站中抓取数据,而且还能够从Web服务中抓取数据。 例如,Amazon API,Twitter / Facebook API。 如何安装 Scrapy? 以下是在系统中安装 Scrapy 前 所需安装的第三方软件和软件包。 ・  Python:由于Scrapy是使用Python语言构建的,因此必须首先安装它。 ・  pip:pip是python软件包管理器工具,可维护软件包存储库并自动安装python库及其依赖项。 最好根据系统OS安装pip,然后尝试按照标准方式安装Scrapy。 ・  lxml:这是一个可选软件包,但如果愿意删除html数据,则需要安装。 lxml是一个python库,可帮助构造html树,因为网页使用html层次结构来组织信息或数据。 可以使用 pip安装Scrapy(这是安装Python软件包的典型方法)。 要使用Scrapy安装,请运行: pip install scrapy  如何开始使用 Scrapy? Scrapy是一个应用程序框架,它提供了许多命令来创建和使用应用程序。 在创建应用程序之前,必须先建立一个新的Scrapy项目。 输入您要存储代码并运行的目录: scrapy startproject test_project   这将在同一目录中创建一个名为 xyz的目录,其内容如下: test_project/     scrapy.cfg  test_project/      spiders/   ...

图书馆收藏 World libraries Collection

图书馆推荐 世界数字图书馆 (World Library) 互联网档案馆 ( 京都大学图书馆 (Kyodo University) 台北国家图书馆 (National Central Library) 哈佛大学图书馆 (Harvard Library) 国文学研究资料馆 (Early Japanese) 宫内厅书陵部 ( 德国柏林国立图书馆 (  DIGITALISIERTE SAMMLUNGEN  ) 日本内阁文库 (National Archives of Japan Digital Archive) 日本国立国会图书馆 (National Diet Library Digital Collections) 早稻田大学图书馆 (Waseda University) 普林斯顿大学东亚图书馆 (Princeton University Library) 法国国家图书馆 (Bnf callica) 美国国会图书馆 (Library of Congress) 香港中文大学图书馆 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library) 博物馆推荐 北京故宫博物院 台北故宫博物院 大都会博物馆 克利夫兰艺术博物馆 弗瑞尔・赛克勒美术馆 e 国宝